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Showing posts from December, 2018

Top 4 Digital Fingerprint Machine for Law Enforcement

Criminal fingerprint database is one of the most important assets for every law enforcement agencies. The army needs a fingerprint database to secure access to their critical data from the enemy. Police need it to identify suspect, or to check criminal records. Prison authorities need it to identify inmates and to manage their facilities, visitors and stuff. But while performing these actions, law enforcement agencies are facing the need of portability to ensure ease of access to information from remote locations and to increase efficiency. That’s why the demand for portable digital fingerprint machine is growing among the law enforcement agencies worldwide. Today we are going to look at the top 4 portable digital fingerprint machines.  These are specifically designed to meet the need of law enforcement agencies here.

Five Places where Biometric Systems Add Convenience and Security

We’ve all seen the movies where a character provides an iris or fingerprint scan to prove their identity in order to get access into a bank vault or a secured facility. That is actually an example of a biometric system. In general, biometrics is a measure of human physiological characteristics and behavior. A biometric system could scan a person’s fingerprint, finger vein, palm vein, iris, facial profile or some other unique physical or behavioral aspect. The purpose of most biometric systems is to authenticate a person’s claimed identity. Biometrics systems are widely considered to be more convenient and secure than other current methods of identity authentication. One of the most attractive characteristics of using biometrics for individual authentication is that you may forget your ID at home when you head out the door or lose it on your way to the office, but you always carry unique your own biometric credentials wherever you go.  Imagine verifying your identity while at the gro

How to Setup an Affordable Kronos Biometric Time Clock for Your Small Business

The question is whether to adopt a biometric time clock or not? Even if I need a biometric time clock to manage my employees, how can I afford such an expensive tool! – These 2 lines of thinking is enough for many sleepless nights and a good amount of stress for any small business owners. Whatever a company may be engaged in or whatever might the company size be, efficient employee management will always be a crucial thing in every step of the journey the business makes. The most horrifying effect of not having a biometric time clock for your employees is, buddy punching effect on your payroll. Employers loses hundreds and thousands in payroll because of buddy punching. To calculate your payroll loss every year due to buddy punching,   Calculate ROI. Buddy punching refers to punching in someone illegally in the attendance even if the employee is not arrived yet at the office or workplace. It is a common practice among employees everywhere. Buddy punching causes companies to lo

What are the biometrics authentication methods?

Biometrics, in the simplest sense, is the measurement of the human body. It is the science of analyzing physical or behavioral attributes distinct to each person in order to be able to validate their individuality. Biometrics authentication is replacing traditional passwords and PINs day by day and within four years we can see rapid adoption of it according to a study governed by Strategy Analytics. There are different methods of biometric data gathering and reading according to your requirements. There is no one method which does the perfect job for everyone. Government agency or law enforcement agency might require some form of scalable biometric authentication methods whereas a small business farm could do with another form of authentication methods. These methods are also known as modalities. Here are 3of the top modalities which will help you decide the best modality for your business.

Top 10 Reasons to Buy Biometric Based School Visitor Management Software

Biometric-based visitor management system is the system that identifies, authenticate and manage visitor through their biometrics. If you are following those old age paper log system to manage your visitors, it is high time you should deploy biometric-based visitor management software for your school. If you are thinking why here is the top 10 reason to implement such software for your school. Utmost Security When it comes to security biometric is the state of the art technology for everyone. Biometrics such as fingerprint comes with the unique features that cannot be manipulated or changed. Unique means your security will always be at the highest standard. In traditional paper log system an intruder can fake their name and details, but in biometric, it is impossible because their unique biometrics will prove their ID. Resulting ensures high security in the school premises. Convenient Biometric-based visitor management software is comfortable to use. It is easy

Safeguard your Cloud Applications with Biometric Authentication System

Marlon is an IT manager of a reputed organization. Every day their business access bunches of essential data. Those are so confidential and can cause severe issues if breaches occur. Being a multinational company he needs a system that is accessible from multiple countries, provides flexibility and help to meet time to market objective. No doubt they have no option other than to employ cloud technology, but like others, Marlon is also concerned about security. Common Threats in Cloud Computing It is undeniable that cloud computing provides many business benefits. Along with these benefits there is a factor with security issues that can be a nightmare for a company. These threats include: Malicious Insider:  An unknown insider can break through your data center and can disrupt your cloud data. It can also be done through a network system. A malicious intruder can break the security system and can breach the data center. This could happen due to deploying password to the acc

Benefits of using Iris Scanning Software in Hospitals

The data breach, medical identity theft, and duplicate medical records are all nightmares for any hospital in the US, due to their enormous impact on healthcare data safety and integrity and organizational reputation. To take protection against these accidents, iris scanning software can be useful. To help you understand more on how an Iris scanning software can help, here we have put together all the benefits of it: Iris Scanning Reduce Identity Theft Iris is one of the unique features of a human. Everyone in this world has a unique iris pattern. This sort of functionality can be used by hospitals to prevent identity theft. Patient ID card/Password can get lost/stolen, but their iris will always be there with them. If the patient is identified through their iris, it will be impossible from an intruder to steal important identity information. Eliminate Duplicate Medical Records A duplicate medical record is another threat to the healthcare industry. It can cause serious is

Traditional vs. Fingerprint Based Security System

From the beginning of time to the present day, security systems have been an issue of concern for everyone looking to safeguard vital and important information. Walls, gates, & watchtowers were some of the security system used at that time and still these days’ to secure our home, office or premises that required security from an unwanted intruder.  These security systems has been changed by the time, and it ensures modern technology to make this security more and more secure. Advanced safety and the classical security has always differed from its kind. Now the most modernize solution is known as the fingerprint-based security system that ensures protection for your home, office or to your valuable data through biometric identity authentication. Traditional Security System All the security system that does not apply state of the art technology to ensure security is traditional security. Till these days some of these systems still been used in any organization to provi

Mobile Biometric Scanner Software for Police to Help Identify Suspects

Identifying a suspect is one of the primary tasks of the police. However suspect often hide through their cunning makeup and disguise. Even with the fake passport and Id. It is so difficult to find suspect through their common picture, but how about a technology that could help police to identify their suspect within a minute, how about a technology that could deliver all required information within a minute. No, it is not impossible, it is possible. It is possible through mobile biometric scanner and software for police. What is a Mobile Biometric Scanner? Biometrics is the way of identifying a person through their unique biological features. Such examples include fingerprint, finger vein, iris, face recognition, and voice recognition. These features cannot be copied, manipulated or lost. A person can disguise them but cannot conceal their fingerprint, iris, finger vein or face. Mobile biometric scanner and software for police come with the technology that can identify these

10 Ways Biometric Technology is Implemented in Today’s Business World

Biometric Technology recognizes and validates as per biological or behavioral characteristics. As this technology is secured and convenient, the development and uses is increasing rapidly. For example, five years back, people didn’t think about the uses of a fingerprint in their cell phones, but today this is an essential feature of a smartphone to secure user data. Alike the scope of  Biometrics Technology  is expanding hastily and making the life more comfortable, more straightforward, smarter as well as guaranteed. Usage of Biometric Technology The uses of biometric technology are significant in today’s business world as enumerated: Know Your Customers (KYC) Every business tries to provide personalized product and services to improve customer satisfaction and loyalty. That’s why they need more and more information about their customers’ needs, previous records and behavior. But how can a business personalize their offerings if they don’t have access to accurate customer d