Over the last couple of decades, the use of credit cards is increasing rapidly and consequences lead to the online transaction through e-commerce. Transactions through credit cards are done in two ways; using the cards in POS or using the card information in online payment gateways.
The credit card fraudulent activities may conduct in both ways; card present fraud and card not present fraud. Usually, the loss of card present fraud bear by the card issuer and on the other hand the loss of card-not-present fraud goes to the merchants.
In both cases, there are significant security measures taken by the card issuers and also the payment gateways, but the fraudsters are continuously making their way out of those. Whenever the e-commerce is growing rapidly, as a result, the rate of a card-not-present transaction is rising several times and the fraudulent activities are occurring through online phishing. Recently a Research published the report that within 2018 to 2023 the retailers are going to lose almost around 130 Billion dollars due to card-not-present transactions. The assumption is really alarming whereas the impact will lead so many retailers to the winding up. Read the full post from here.
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