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Showing posts from January, 2019

Card-not-present transaction to cost Retailers over 100 Billion

Over the last couple of decades, the use of credit cards is increasing rapidly and consequences lead to the online transaction through e-commerce. Transactions through credit cards are done in two ways; using the cards in POS or using the card information in online payment gateways. The credit card fraudulent activities may conduct in both ways; card present fraud and card not present fraud. Usually, the loss of card present fraud bear by the card issuer and on the other hand the loss of card-not-present fraud goes to the merchants. In both cases, there are significant security measures taken by the card issuers and also the payment gateways, but the fraudsters are continuously making their way out of those. Whenever the e-commerce is growing rapidly, as a result, the rate of a card-not-present transaction is rising several times and the fraudulent activities are occurring through online phishing. Recently a Research published the report that within 2018 to 2023 the retailers

Application of Iris Biometric Authentication in Different Sectors

Iris biometric authentication is the most accurate and precise authentication system, and that’s why its application has been observed in the most sensitive sectors where security concern is high. The system captures a picture of a person’s eye, and the iris in the image is then implied for the further division and standardization for separating its characteristics. The matching of iris recognition authentication depends on the procedure of division. The division is utilized for the restriction of the right iris area in the specific segment of an eye and it ought to be done precisely and accurately to expel the eyelids, eyelashes, and reflections of iris area. Application of Iris Biometric Authentication As the pattern of irises are complex and almost impossible to spoof it has been using in the most sensitive sectors for proper identification of an individual. The application of iris biometric authentication already implemented in the below verticals: National ID Every na

Benefits of Biometric Authentication in Information Security

Information is the most powerful tool in today’s business world. Government and private both sectors are using the data to facilitate the service and understanding the trends. According to a report, taking the timely decision is very simple if you have information. On the other hand, if the information leaks, anyone can interrupt in your interest. So the information security is visible to hold on the prosperity and biometric authentication in information security helps in many ways. Information Security Information security is the means of controlling unauthorized access to your data or information from being re-used, shared, modified, duplicated and manipulated by a third party as well as competitors. Information may take any form like physical or printed form and electronic form. Biometric Authentication in Information Security In the age of technology, the information is stored in electronic forms to ensure its security and protect it from being lost. But the neote

New Zealand Experience the New Era of Biometric Banking

One of the primary trends of the modern technological and industrial world is the shift to a more customer-centric approach regardless of the field or niche you operate in. And in order to make sure that your customers are satisfied with your service, you must ensure that it is fast paced and as convenient as possible for them. The purpose of modern technology is to induce speed in processes that traditionally hog up a lot of staff and customer time as well as simplify the processes for the customer by capitalizing on the finer details. Biometric verification is one such technology that is being applied across a multitude of fields and industries to great reviews and results. BIOMETRICS IN BANKING With ASB having announced their version of a biometric ID verifying the mobile application for six of their bank branches in South Auckland last year, we are finally seeing and experiencing the integration of biometric technology in New Zealand Banking. Believe it or not, many

Advantages of Iris Biometric Authentication System

Iris biometric authentication system is being used in many countries to identify millions of people for several issues around the world. The technology is easy to use and difficult to be forged. It has been used in different projects and gateways like healthcare, national ID and immigration for its advantages, features, and benefits. Iris Biometric Authentication Among the different biometric modalities like a fingerprint, finger vein, palm vein, facial, retina, etc. iris is one of the most reliable ones. Iris biometric authentication is the complex mathematical pattern recognition technique that identifies the unique and stable video images of the single or both irises of an individual which is possible to distinguish from a distance range. Advantages of Iris Biometric Authentication System The characteristics of an iris are significantly unique for each and can be recognized from a distance. That’s why it is challenging to be forged and compared to other biometric modalities fa

5 Reasons to Use Fingerprint Recognition Software for Secure Identification

Technology has blessed our lives in many ways. Addition of fingerprint recognition software to our life for security purpose has added a new dimension. Once security is maintained by the so-called security guard, paper log system, traditional locks and pin, and password based devices. All these methods have come to an end; now the time has come to embrace the most innovative security technology for secure identification. Here in this article, we present five precise reasons to use fingerprint recognition software for security identification. Unbreakable Safeguard Fingerprint software is the unbreakable safeguard for you. Fingerprint stays with us for the entire life. It never changed and cannot be manipulated, even if someone tries to spoof the system, liveness detection technology can recognize it. It means no one can break your security, it is impossible to forge and can perform the secure identification. Convenient Usage Think about a situation where you have to

Application of Biometric Technology in Different Sectors

It’s not been so long, the Biometrics Technology flourished. But the origin of the technology was in ancient age when people were familiar with the fingerprint for individual identification. But since the last two decades, biometrics technology got exposed to mass people, and the scope of its application got new dimensions. The technology identifies humans by matching their unique physiological patterns like the fingerprint, iris/ retina, face, voice, vein, and gesture. In today’s fast-moving world different industries have adopted this technology for its errorless recognition in the fastest time. Read the details from here.

Advanced Biometric Software Solution for Law Enforcement

Since the 1700s the use of biometrics has been noticed and in 1891 the fingerprint system used in the law enforcement system to identify prisoners for the first time. It’s incredible that how the technology being advanced since then — sequentially advanced technology developed to integrating the biometric system with the software solution to smoothen the work process in dynamic ways in different sectors. What is Law Enforcement Solution? Law enforcement solution is an integrated software where the whole process followed by a law enforcement department in a particular system. The solution allows a citizen to file a case remotely. Then the case is analyzed with the previous records and assigned to a field agent to identify and capture the suspect or criminal. After identification the criminal booking and case processing, investigation if required, and the documentation of all investigation data everything is maintained within a single system. Using law enforcement solution takin

Softbank Deploy Biometric Identification System to Enhance Customer Experience

Softbank, one of the renowned telecom operating company in Japan recently deployed biometric-based Id solution to accelerate their customer experience in their mobile application. Now more than 10 million mobile subscribers of Softbank will get the option to use biometric authentication while using Softbank mobile application “My Softbank Plus”. This deployment will safeguard Softbank customer from phishing, data breach and will create a robust security environment for accessing their data. This is thought to be a step forward initiative from Softbank to stand against data breach and create strong protection for the customer’s data. Read the full news from here.

Improving Workforce Accountability and Productivity with a Biometric Time Clock

If you have identified employee accountability as an issue for your business, you may have already taken measures to find the source behind the problem. Most likely, you have looked into the effectiveness of your leadership, the clarity of your strategic direction, employee engagement, and the execution philosophy of the firm. You may have also studied your employee monitoring and review system. Chances are if you took this step then you probably studied what technology you are using to help keep the gears of the business machine operating.  If you suddenly discovered that you are not using modern technology to safeguard your inventory and profits and more effectively track employee time and attendance with a biometric time clock, you may have uncovered a crack in the shell of your staff accountability platform. Read the full post from here.

The Difference between the Iris and the Retina and why it’s Important in Biometric Identification

Iris recognition and retinal scanning are both very reliable modalities for biometric identification. However, both possess different characteristics that have a strong impact on their performance based on the environment and deployment purpose. Both biometric modalities use contactless scanners, but there are notable differences between iris recognition and retinal scanning; one being that iris recognition is considered non-invasive, and retinal scanning as invasive because it beams visible light into the eyes during the scanning process. These biometric identification technologies are often misunderstood and incorrectly assumed to be one in the same despite their distinct differences. In this post, we will discuss the differences between iris recognition and retinal scanning. Read the full post from here.

Top 5 Biometric Fingerprint Scanner App for ID Verification

Mobile phone these days has become the most essential part of the business function. It gives us the flexibility to access application securely from a remote location. With the rise of the mobile phone, we have seen the increased demand for business applications that can be used in mobile. Adding to this rising demand different companies have introduced fingerprint scanner app for accurate ID verification. From those here is the list of top 5 biometric fingerprintscanner app for you.

The Benefits of Measuring Employee Time and Attendance with a Biometric Time Clock

The days are gone when managers kept manual journals of employee time and attendance to calculate hours worked. These antiquated ways of measuring employee time and attendance do not have the ability to effectively  prevent buddy punching  or time theft. Therefore, more companies are looking for a better solution to measure employee working hours and discovering that a biometric time clock offers a more secure alternative to manual timesheets. Biometric time and attendance system is the automated method of recognizing an employee based on a physiological or behavioral characteristic. The most  common biometric features  used for employee identification are faces, fingerprints, finger veins, palm veins, irises, and voice patterns. When an employee attempts identification by their biological traits, a biometric hardware device compares the new scan to all available templates in order to find an exact match. Read the full post from here.

5 Ways Biometric Apps for Android is Transforming Our Lives

Why limit yourself with age-old pc based biometric authentication system? This cutting age identification technology is now available in mobile devices through biometric apps for android phones. Now you can perform fast 1:N biometric registration and identification task from any remote locations within a matter of seconds. Let’s take a look at some of the examples:  5 Ways Biometric Apps for Android is Transforming Our Lives New Dimension in School  Management Properly managing the school’s students is one of the challenges schools have faced from the beginning. Their entries need to be restricted as per their identity to reduce unauthorized admissions in institutions important places like lab, libraries, etc. StudentTrack™ comes as the savior for school management. It is a biometric software made from CloudApper . This great biometric-based software help school to identify their student correctly in places where student identification is so much important. Such as in lib

Importance of Patient Identification in Hospitals

How many hospitals, genuinely understand the importance of patient identification needs that are adequately recognized and followed? The answer may surprise you, and that fact is that the number of hospitals now taking account for this need is quickly rising each day. The crucial reason behind this is, accurate patient identification is extremely important in any organization, but is also a severe issue in many hospitals today. A patient that has been misidentified can lead to a fatal error in regards to prescribing drugs or medicine. Imagine an individual in critical condition is rushed into the hospital emergency room. Without some identification on hand, it will take longer to identify him and understand his medical condition accurately. These concerns call for immediate action to determine the patients and tend to their needs entirely.  Read the full article here.

Affordable fingerprint scanner SDK for C# Applications

Fingerprint scanner SDK C# – is a term that many struggles with when developing a biometric project for a C# application. Each scanner comes with an individual SDK for development and integration with the application. Now, the question is does the developer’s struggle with this development when programming language varies? Yes, obviously they do. Biometric technology itself is very sophisticated technology. The technology relies mostly on human touch and years of experience around it. There are hundreds and thousands of developers with great skills who people may hire to develop the biometric system with the C# application around the SDK. However, this sort of thinking is the sole reason why many of the great biometric projects fail. Read the full post from here.

What is biometric verification system?

Every individual has one or more distinguishing biological traits. Evaluating these traits, an individual can be uniquely identified, and it is called biometric verification. To put it, biometric verification or authentication answers the question “who are you” in both physical or digital scenarios and the system used for it is called a biometric verification system. An individual can have different unique identifiers such as fingerprints, finger vein, iris, retina, voice recognition, DNA, hand geometry, earlobe geometry, and signatures. These unique identifiers are impossible to duplicate, forge or steal. Which is why large corporations, small organizations, government or law enforcement agencies are quickly adopting biometric verification technology for safety and security. Read the full post here.

Why Do People Use Biometric Security Systems?

Rapid penetration of technology into our day to day lives traditional way of authentication and verification won’t help us that much anymore.  Passwords and PINs are so feeble these days that even novice hackers can crack them and get away with our private, confidential data. So demand for a robust authentication method was there. With the introduction of biometric security systems within the security industry have changed all these. Constant Network security breaches and identity thefts reports have now plummeted significantly. & why not as biometric security is the only way to prove a person’s authentic identity. Biometric traits including fingerprints, finger veins, and iris are unique and inherent, and they are so distinct that they cannot be forged or stolen by the fraudulent. Read the full post from here.

What are the different types of biometric technology?

In the past, most of the government organizations, public and private companies were using paper-based sign-in/sign-out system to identify employees, contractors, visitors, etc. The paper-based system is obsolete now and replaced with biometric system. Introduction of different types of biometric technology within organizations brings about a highly responsible security system and attendance maintenance solution without significantly increasing the budget. People from various verticals welcomed different types of biometric technology with open arms because of its high level of accuracy and efficiency in preventing identity theft and maintaining employees and visitors’ attendance records. Since IDs and passports can be forged, different types of biometric technology not only meets the expectation but also it has exceeded it. Biometric technology is more sophisticated, cleverer, super sensitive and put in place to help protect companies and individuals. Most importantly it is imp

Award Winning Biometric SDK for Application

To find an ideal biometric SDK for your application will always make your life and work much more easier. An ideal biometric SDK for application should be one that comes with – Support for reliable biometric scanners. Should have the capability of easy integration. Integration process should be rapid. It takes up a lot of time and also involves a painstaking process to integrate an SDK with an application properly, so if you don’t choose the right one, the entire deployment might face the risk of failure. The best solution for this sort of problem is to use an SDK that will easily integrate with the application. Hence, the question is where to find such a solution that have the best capabilities to do such integration? The answer to this problem is pretty simple and you can check it out here.

Best Biometric SDK for Accurate and Reliable Identity Management

Biometrics is a term related to only science fiction movies, novels or highly specialized security service providers in forensics, law enforcement, etc. Now biometric technology has come out of the sci-fi books and became an integral part of our daily lives. It has progressed significantly. Adoption of the technology by many governments across the globe gave other organizations confidence to implement. In many countries, public as well as private sectors are using the application for the primary identification method to identify its people whether he/she is a citizen, an employee or a visitor. The application of biometric technology can be seen in a passport, national ID, employee attendance, visitor identification & tracking; even in mobile phones. Read the full post here.